RSC Annual Lecture for Schools: Chemistry and Light
As one of the events marking the International Year of Chemistry 2011, the Royal Society of Chemistry present a fascinating lecture for secondary students, taking place this week in University College Cork (UCC) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD). The lecture is entitled “Chemistry and Light” and is presented by Dr Peter Douglas from the School of Chemistry, Swansea University. The lecture will explore the chemistry of light: how light is ‘made’ - from lamps, lasers or ‘liquid light’ - and its applications in medicine and technology, including CD players, electroluminescent paper, photography, neo-natal phototherapy and clean energy.
The lecture takes place in UCC on Wednesday May 18th at 12:00pm (Lecture Theatre G19, Kane Building) and in TCD on Friday May 20th at 11:00am and 2:00pm (Burke Lecture Theatre). Pre-booking is essential and enquiries may be made by email to Declan Kennedy (UCC) or Dr. Rachel Evans (TCD).