Communicating STEM Conference 2011

The fifth annual Communicating STEM Conference will take place in the River Lee Hotel in Cork on June 23rd and promises to provide delegates with "the tools required to create and develop partnerships that promote science, engineering, technology and maths". The theme of this year's conference is "Success through Synergy" and will use case studies of successful partnerships between education, science outreach organisations and industry on a European, national and local level to foster discussion on the creation of initiativeS to engage the Irish public in science. There is an impressive line-up of speakers, including:
  • Lionel Alexander (Chief Executive, Hewlett PackardDriving innovation: Keeping Ireland Competitive
  • Katharine Mathieson (Director of Education, British Science AssociationCreating and Developing Successful STEM Partnerships
  • Katherine M. Jensen (CSR Manager, Abbott LaboratoriesCSR and STEM: The Perfect Partnership
  • Michelle Star (Liaison Officer, NCE-MSTLPartnering with Pedagogy: Working together to support the curriculum
  • Bernard Kirk (Director, Galway Education CentrePedagogy and Industry - The Operational Level
  • Aoife O'Donoghue (Cork Outreach Community) STEM Partnerships - A Local Focus
  • Dave Fahy (Director, Dublin City of Science)
Full details are available on Tickets cost €60 or €50 if booked before May 23rd. After the conference, Blackrock Castle Observatory will host a special Science Café, which is sure to round off the day perfectly! See you all there!


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