Haiti Earthquake Relief

A major humanitarian effort is underway to secure the safety of hundreds of thousands after a major earthquake in Haiti yesterday. Homes have been destroyed and some estimate the number of dead to be over 100,000. Efforts are still underway to find more survivors beneath the rubble and aid agencies are appealing to the public for support for the hundreds of thousands left homeless, injured or feared dead. The Irish government today announced that they will give €2 million to the relief fund but more is needed. The school will be sending money from our emergency fund but some pupils are making additional fundraising efforts. Below is a list of aid agencies and how to send aid.
Concern Worldwide, which has been working in Haiti since 1994, has launched an emergency appeal following the earthquake. Donations will be accepted on 1850-410510 or through Concern.net. People can donate to Oxfam by calling 1850 30 40 55 (NI 0800-0304055), visiting OxfamIreland.org, or at their local Oxfam Ireland shop. GOAL has allocated €250,000 from its emergency fund as an immediate response and is accepting donations from the public. Call 01-2809779 or visit GOAL.ie. UNICEF Ireland launched an emergency appeal this morning for the children of Haiti. Donations can be made securely at UNICEF.ie or by calling 01-8783000. Trócaire has also appealed for funds to help those affected by the earthquake. To donate, visit Trócaire.org or call 1850-408408 (NI: 0800-9121200).